ETS2 |  | ~670 | patch | EuroTruckSimulator2_1_10_1_patch.exe The official patch version 1.10.1 (Patch from any older version to new one). SCS Software May 19th, 2014 |
ETS2 |  | ~670 | patch | EuroTruckSimulator2_1_9_22_patch.exe The official patch version 1.9.22 (Patch from any older version to new one). SCS Software March 25th, 2014 |
STDS |  | ~16 | patch | ScaniaTDS_1_6_1_patch.exe The official patch version 1.6.1 (Patch from any version to new one). SCS Software March 15th, 2014 |
ETS2 |  | ~398 | patch | EuroTruckSimulator2_1_5_2_patch.exe The official patch version 1.5.2 (Patch from any older version to new one). SCS Software September 20th, 2013 |
ETS2 |  | ~630 | trial | EuroTruckSimulator2_1_5_2_setup.exe The official playable version 1.5.2 (The downloaded game has no time limit on the play time, however access to some of the game areas is limited until activated. Play free to see if you like the game, and to check whether it is compatible with your computer.) SCS Software September 20th, 2013 |
STDS |  | ~32 | patch | ScaniaTDS_1_5_0_patch.exe The official patch version 1.50 (Patch from any version to new one). SCS Software September 18th, 2012 |
STDS |  | ~550 | trial | The official playable version 1.00 (The downloaded game has no time limit on the play time, however access to some of the game areas is limited until activated.). SCS Software June 17th, 2011 |
T&T |  | ~403 | trial | trucks_and_trailers_setup.exe The official playable demo version 1.00 (full version game time-limited 30 mins). SCS Software June 17th, 2011 |
18ET2 |  | ~703 | trial | ExtTruck2_Setup.exe The official playable demo version 1.00 (full version game time-limited 60 mins). SCS Software January 18th, 2011 |
GTS |  | ~64-119 | patch | GTS_1_32_patch_hu_ro_cz.exe GTS_1_32_patch_wendros.exe GTS_1_32_patch_excalibur.exe GTS_1_32_patch_es_es.exe The official patch 1.32 IMPORTANT: RETAIL VERSION ONLY - will not work with online demo version!. SCS Software October 8th, 2010 |
GTS |  | ~370 | trial | gts_setup_1_32.exe The official playable demo version 1.32 (full version game time-limited 60 mins). SCS Software October 8th, 2010 |
UKTS |  | ~68 | patch | UKTS_1_32_patch_en_gb.exe The official patch 1.32 IMPORTANT: RETAIL VERSION ONLY - will not work with online demo version!. SCS Software September 23rd, 2010 |
UKTS |  | ~355 | trial | UKTS_1_32_patch_en_gb.exe The official playable demo version 1.32 (full version game time-limited 60 mins). SCS Software September 23rd, 2010 |
GTS |  | ~351 | trial | gts_setup_1_01.exe The official playable demo version 1.01 (full version game time-limited 60 mins). SCS Software January 14th, 2010 |
18ET |  | ~367 | trial | exttrucksetup.exe The official playable demo version 1.01 (full version game time-limited 60 mins). SCS Software November 5th, 2009 |
ETS |  | ~25 | patch | ETS_1.3_patch_xx.exe The official patch version 1.3. SCS Software June 14th, 2009 |
ETS |  | ~120 | trial | ets_1_3_setup.rar The official playable demo version 1.3 (full version game time-limited 60 mins). SCS Software June 14th, 2009 |
18ALH |  | ~107 | demo | 18wos_alh.exe The official playable demo (full version game time-limited 60 mins). SCS Software December 1st, 2007 |
18ALH |  | ~107 | demo | 18wos_alh.exe The official playable demo (full version game time-limited 60 mins). ValuSoft December 1st, 2007 |
18ALH |  | ~35 | patch | Beta patch 1.01 IMPORTANT: RETAIL VERSION ONLY - will not work with online demo version! January 27th, 2008 |
TruckSaver |  | ~11 | demo | trucksaver_setup.exe The official playable demo (full version game time-limited 60 mins). June 12th, 2007 |
BusDriver |  | ~81 | demo | bd_setup_1_5.exe The official playable demo (full version game time-limited 60 mins). SCS Software March 31st, 2010 (new version) |
RnR |  | ~400 | video | rnr2.wmf Rig'n'Roll in MTV Russia February 12th, 2007 |
18Haulin |  | ~144 | demo | 18WheelsHaulin.exe The official playable demo (full version game time-limited 60 mins). SCS Software October 10th, 2006 |
18Haulin |  | ~144 | demo | 18WheelsHaulin.exe The official playable demo (full version game time-limited 60 mins). Valusoft October 10th, 2006 |
18Haulin |  | ~27 | patch | Haulinpatch.exe Official patch 1.6. IMPORTANT: RETAIL VERSION ONLY - will not work with online demo version! November 11th, 2006 |
18Convoy |  | ~134 | demo | 18WheelsofSteelConvoy-dm.exe The official playable demo (full version game time-limited 60 mins). Valusoft September 1st, 2005 |
18Convoy |  | ~30 | patch | convoy.exe The following patch 1.02 is for the purchased CD version of the game only. January 5th, 2006 |
18PttM |  | ~94 | demo | PedalToTheMetalSetup.exe The official playable demo (full version game time-limited 60 mins). Valusoft August 27rd, 2004 |
18PttM |  | ~4 | patch | Retail_cd_version_only_1_07.exe Version 1.7 for retail version of the game November 22nd, 2004 |
18PttM |  | ~7 | patch | Download_version_only_1_07.exe Version 1.7 for online downloaded version of the game November 22nd, 2004 |
RnR |  | ~150 | video | The official video trailer from E3 Expo 2004 June 5th, 2004 |
18AA |  | ~145 | demo | 18Wheels_of_Steel.exe The official playable demo (full version game time-limited 60 mins). Valusoft February 23rd, 2004 |
18AA |  | ~8 | patch | The first official patch Release notes january 21st, 2004 |
18AA |  | ~8 | patch | The first official patch Release notes October 22nd, 2003 |
18AA |  | ~5 | addon | GasStation& ver.1.10 Final This pack offers you 4 new gas station simultaneously displayed on your main america map and 31 new billboards, more objects close to the gas station June 6th, 2004 |
18AA |  | ~0.3 | addon | ver.1.0 If you don"t pleased with board fonts, this package is for you January 6th, 2004 |
18WoS |  | ~3 | patch | HT18WoS_Patch_1_2.exe Version 1.2 November 20th, 2002 |
18WoS |  | ~3 | patch | Version 1.2 November 20th, 2002 |
18WoS |  | ~0.2 | addon | Version 1.0 The european road signs for 18 Wheels of Steel |
18WoS |  | ~1 | addon | Version 1.2 The pack for HT18WOS for original game with or without patch version 1.2 |
KotR HT2 Db2 |  | ~0.3 | tool | Version 1.0 A small configuration tool for KotR and HT2 |
KotR |  | ~9 | patch | kotrkyro2patch11.exe version 1.1 + Kyro II patch The German version of this game October 19th, 2001 |
KotR |  | ~4 | patch | kotrkyro2patch.exe Kyro II patch The German version of this game October 19th, 2001 |
KotR |  | ~0.1 | map | version 1.4 There is my maps of KING OF THE ROAD. If you want to put the map on your website you"ll must to place link to TruckPol only. |
Db2 |  | | patch | rnrp0911.exe version 7.3 September 11th, 2001 |
Db2 |  | ~2 | patch | rnrp0629.exe version 7.1 June 29th, 2001 |
Db2 |  | ~2 | patch | rnrp0618.exe version 7.0 June 18th, 2001 |
Db2 |  | ~2 | patch | rnrp0603.exe version 6.9 June 3rd, 2001 |
Db2 |  | ~2 | patch | rnrp0507.exe version 6.7 May 7th, 2001 |
Db2 |  | ~2 | patch | rnrp0422.exe version 6.6 April 22nd, 2001 |
Db2 |  | ~18 | patch | ht2p1005.exe version 5.5 Download this if you have not already installed one of the previous patches October 5th, 2000 |
Db2 |  | ~2 | patch | ht2p1005l.exe version 5.5 Download this if you have already installed one of the previous patches October 5th, 2000 |